Shimla: Design India, a country-level theatre and art group, would be staging a new version of Dev Das, written by Bangla writer Sharat Chander, at the historical Gaiety Theatre in Shimla, on Monday, 6th July. The play has been adapted by reputed cine writer Jagdamba Prasad Dixit.
The legendry love story as ever, written and staged as a play, is being jointly enacted by a team of Bollywood and Himachali actors. The roles of Devdas, Chunni Babu, Parbati, Chandermukhi and Chaudhry Mahashay are being played by Abhimanyu Pandey, Girish Harnot, Usha and Swati as Paro, Ritika and Prabha as Chandermukhi, and Rakesh Sharma as Chaudhary Mahashay respectively. The play is being directed by Abhimanyu Pandey and produced by Girish Harnot with new interpretation of the story that has been made and remade in celluloid thrice.
According to chairman of Design India, Girish Harnot, the play is being performed for the first time on stage in play-form in the history of Indian theatre.