Birua’s untouchable friendship


By: Tikender Panwar

In a village called Tharbang under Nichar Tehsil there were two friends named Biru and Santosh. Biru was born on Thursday – in Hindi Birvaar because of which he got this name – and therefore this name. Generally, the Dalits are named such. Santosh was from an affluent family and possessed large land in which there are apple orchards. Biru’s father worked as a pruner – an application applied on the apple trees to restrict the vegetative growth of the tree for its longevity and high productivity. While Birua’s father used to do this job both the friends played in the field.

One day there was a festival in the village. The Gram Devta, i.e the village deity, was honoured and offered a sacrifice of 25 goats. The mutton was prepared at one place by the non-Dalits. However, it was served separately for the Dalits. (Nothing unusual in the countryside). Both Biru and Santosh worked for the festival and shared their respective responsibilities. Quite expectedly, Biru guarded the shoes outside the temple and Santosh cooked the meals. After the function was over both consumed local wine and danced in the function. Of course separately – the Dalits are not allowed to dance with the non-Dalit. Thereafter, both the friends consumed their meals. Santosh could not finish his meal and got it packed in a packed.

As they were about to leave to their homes, Biru tried to shake hand with Santosh, which the latter avoided. Since both were a little drunk, Biru patted on his shoulder and said goodbye. Now this was a great crime that he committed. Immediately Santosh reacted and said why had he touched him. “Don’t you know I am carrying meat and now you spoiled it and made it unfit for consumption.” “Now,” Santosh said, “I will not carry it to my home you will have to consume it. Hearing this, Biru got stunned and wished as to why he ever became Santos’s friend.

Anyhow, that meat was thrown to the dogs and Santosh went to his home abusing Biru of spoiling his meal!

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  1. Excellent story that reveals the truth of our "Dev Bhoomi" . The writer has explained the realty of our rural society in quite simple words and in a very rhythmic manner. Congratulations. We expect some more such real stories from Mr. Tikender Panwar.

    -Ajai Srivastava

  2. Nice one …

    Although in many terms i am proud to be himachali but existence of untouchablity is still existing in our Dev Bhoomi makes me feel bad. Our place is known for so many temples but in many of these so called low caste community is not allowed to worship

  3. congratulations.thank you Tikender.Let us confront the real issues.I am looking forward to more real stories of real people from you.

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