To wipe out the chances of high–tech cheating in the written examination, H.P. Public Service Commission established mobile jammers in the examination halls to test its veracity and efficiency on Sunday.
The jammers are being purchased through H.P. Electronics Development Corporation. The introduction of mobile jammers has got co-relation with the announcement of chairman Mr. K.S. Tomar after the arrest of 34 candidates, who were caught red handed during written examination of Combined Graduate Level Examination, 2013 (Tier-II) in the month of September, 2013.
Keeping in view the technologically advanced cheating practices adopted by the candidates in the Combined Graduate Level Examination, 2013 (Tier-II) conducted by the State Public Service Commission on 29-09-2013 on behalf of Staff Selection Commission, 34 candidates were caught red handed by the invigilation staff of Public Service Commission in collaboration with state police indulging in high-tech cheating with the help of mobile phones which were carried by them under their garments and the leads connected to the mobiles were craftily stitched in their garments so as to make undetectable.
The chairman, H.P. Public Service Commission has taken a serious view of this entire episode and convened a meeting on 1 October 2013 and decided to introduce the mobile jammers on experimental basis in order to check frequency, range and viability of the jammers.
Resultantly, the commission has introduced and installed the mobile jammers in the examination halls in the premises on experimental basis of the commission in the examination of January, 2014. The commission has also taken up the matter with the government of Himachal Pradesh to purchase mobile jammers in order to eliminate high-tech cheating and malpractices during examination for which the government has agreed in principle.
Therefore, a proposal is being sent shortly to the government of Himachal Pradesh for providing adequate budget to purchase mobile jammers enabling to install in each and every examination hall and centre to avoid high-tech cheating during the course of examinations and screening tests, to ensure smooth and fair conduct of examination.
The commission has also decided to purchase the mobile jammers before the forthcoming H.P. Administrative Service (Main) Examination.