Hospital Administration of Indira Gandhi Medical College has warned the newspaper editors to not publish any news items without verifying with the concerned authority. Additional Director IGMC Dr. Naresh Kumar Lath released this order here yesterday after sending a copy to all newspapers warning them to not publish unverified news items about the institution.
“Whatever news items is published on your newspaper about accidents, deaths and other news related to this intuition, should be published after verification of Principal, Senior Medical Superintendent or Additional Director of IGMC hospital. If you publish news item of this institution without verification, suitable strict action will be taken against you”, the notification issued on November 29, 2013 by Dr. Lath cautioned all the editors.
Health Minister also instituted the probe into death of two patients order yesterday. The deceased Raj Kumar belonged to Ambala, who runs a business at Shimla was hospitalized here after bike injury at Shogi, outskirts of Shimla town on November 19, 2013.
Hospital administration also placed surveillance camera recently to keep an eye on the movement of people inside the hospital through CCTV footage that will be visible in the LCD screen put up at Sr. MS and other offices.
This action was taken just a week aftermath of news items about sudden collapse of a accident victim under treatment in IGMC hospital though it was verified by the hospital senior official and police, indicating of charge of serious lapse of hospital staff.