Himachal gave 418 runs target to Chhatisgarh after the declaration of second innings on 263 runs today. Himachal has also leaded with 115 runs in the first innings in C.K. Nayudu Trophy test match played at Amtar HPCA cricket stadium in Hamirpur. Chhatisgarh lost three wickets today at 101 after playing 37 overs in reply.
Starting at 108 runs and two wickets this morning, HP declares 263 runs at six wickets after playing 90 overs today, setting a target of 418 runs to win for Chhatisgarh as J. P. Singh and S.L.Verma were top scorers for Himachal in the second innings with the help of 58 and 52 runs respectively.
Starting the second innings and chasing target of 418 runs of Himachal, Chattisgarh made 101 runs on the loss of three wickets as P.P. Roy and V.J. Kushwah were playing at 23 and 37 runs respectively when the stamps were withdrawn. Now they have to make 317 runs to save or win this match as tomorrow is last day of match.
In the first innings Himachal made 315 runs giving 155 runs, whereas, Chhatisgarh could make 160 runs in the first innings.