Himachal Pradesh chief minister, Mr. Virbhadra Singh has demanded the supply of alternative back-up of power like solar power to mobile towers set up in the remote, inaccessible and tribal areas of the state.
The demand was made in a meeting with union communication minister Mr. Kapil Sibal held at Delhi yesterday .
Mr. Virbhadra Singh told the union minister that mobile towers in these areas stops functioning because of disruption of electricity supply due to heavy rain and snowfall as a result, the entire mobile network gets paralyzed in these regions. He requested the union minister to take effective steps for ensuring reliable mobile network in all areas of the state.
He also requested for reliable high speed broadband services specially in tribal and backward areas to ensure connectivity of these areas with rest of the world when they are cut off due to heavy snowfall and other natural calamities. He also demanded reliable high speed broadband services in all areas of the state for ensuring effective communications in the entire region.
Union communication minister Mr. Kapil Sibal assured that the ministry will pass necessary instructions to the field staff to ensure reliable and quality telecom services in the state.