It seems lot of discussion has gone into the topic of matrimonial. Moderators have been urging that the topic be closed as its is turning out to be a heated exchange of mails. Before we end i wanted to put forward few points and i think it may lead to further discussion on the topic which is away from the issue of posting a matrimonial or not.
Certainly any member can go ahead and post a matrimonial or a job vacancy. Coming to the broader issue which is beyond matrimonial. VOH has come up with a perspective of social and economic development of Himachal. The topic worth discussing is whether we want a society which is above caste and class lines or do we want to be divided and segregated along these lines. Though we cannot stop people from pursuing age old traditions but than we must understand that what is wrong is wrong. So what VOH can do is educate and make people think about these issues.
There are many things which are not right in the society. To raise a voice against such things is the objective of VOH and one such ILL’s is marriages along caste and class lines. This is the point which Air Cmdr Pratap Singh wanted to make. Though it was harsh and not acceptable. But the point remains that how long will we continue to think on caste and class lines.