Lawyers from Joint Action front to lodge protest in Himachal Pradesh


District Bar Association Shimla along with all district bars in the state formed joint action front to oppose the shifting of courts in the state.

Tek Chand Rana president of District Bar Association Dharamshala to head the joint action front along with vice presidents, Bharat Bhushan of Mandi Bar Association and Ajay Kaushal of Chamba Bar Association.

After forming of front Mr. Rana told that the meeting was joined by the representatives of most of district bars at Bar Association room at Shimla today and decided to form the front and elected office bearers.

He said that Front decided to continue the state wide abstaining of court for next one week. If the decisions of shifting of district and sub-judges to other part of state would not stopped, it would lodge aggressive action after one week.

“The courts were being shifted to divisions and Tehsil level without any pre-planning and notification on the direction of Himahcal Pradesh High Court should be stop immediately.” Mr. Rana said.

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