By : Arvind Sharma
Chief Minister, Virbhadra Singh will visit Regional forensic Science Laboratory (RFSL),Dharamshala on 29th October ,to inaugurate the digital forensic imaging spectrograph – a new instrument costing approximately 40 lakhs under modernization of police forces programme. Turkish Council of Science and Technology has installed it in the Document and Photography Division of RFSL, Dharamshala.
While talking to press in Dharamsala on Saturday, Dr. Surender Kumar Pal, Assistant Director and Media Officer of RFSL, Dharamshala said ,”HP Forensic Science Laboratory is the first forensic institution in entire north region of India to acquire an advance technology. One scientist from Turkey will impart training to the forensic experts at RFSL, Dharamshala, for its operation.”
Dr. Pal further added that the Digital Forensic Imaging Spectrograph has been bought recently and will be used for large scale document examination. The instrument together with novel 2D/3D processing software represents a new generation of nondestructive tools for authenticity determination of different types of documents and handwriting using hyper spectral imaging technology.
Dr. Arun Sharma, Director, State FSL, Himachal Pradesh said,”The system can reveal some hidden features of the questioned documents that are invisible by other contemporary instruments. With this new tool, the examiner will be gaining unprecedented sensitivity as well as the accuracy and validity of the decision.”
The digital forensic imaging spectrograph has features to perform ink analysis/ink difference in two same colour inks, information on currency notes, drafts, bank cheques etc, revealing invisibly embedded information and concealed or masked writing, watermarks and security feature examination of currency notes, pen pressure visualization, passport schengan visa, comparing images by screen splitting and overlaying each other.