After President Pranab Mukharjee, it is second dignitary Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar who would address the special session one day state legislative assembly on October 21 at 1030 hours on the golden jubilee year going to be conclude shortly.
A government spokesman told that Ms. Kumar would reach on October 20, 2012 at 1750 hours. As she is likely to address the special session of state assembly on next day that is October 21 at 1030 hours to 1130 hours.
“Ms. Kumar would arrive by aircraft to Chandigarh from where she would come here by road and schedule to stay at Peter Hoff Hotel for two days”, he said adding that she may visit Indian Instituted of Advanced Studies (IIAS) and few other historic places during her two day stay in Shimla. She is likely to leave for Delhi in the evening of October 21.
Ms. Kumar is second public dignitary who would address this special session of assembly as on May 24 during President of India Pranab Mukharjee had been address legislators of assembly on its golden jubilee year.
Former President of India A.P. J. Abdul Kalam has been addressed this house on December 23, 2004 earlier.
The state assembly building also renowned as Council’s Chamber was built up in 1920 by the Britishers also housed central assembly of Raj Day, followed by Punjab Assembly, Akashwani Bhavan and now assembly secretariat.
The series of functions have been organized in golden jubilee celebration kicked of by President of India to explore the glorious past of this historical monument which now house state assembly under going after monsoon recess. A documentary have been made on the assembly buildings reflecting events and happenings occurred inside this landmark.
This Raj day Parliament has been listened to world best orators including Pt. Nehru, Sardar Balav Bhai Patel so many and so forth represent relic of glorious past of India has been maintained in the same architecture and mode.