Chief Minister Mr. Virbhadra Singh today released ALMA megazine for Himachal Pradesh. He said that this megazine had been inspired by the vision and values of former Prime Minister Mr. Rajiv Gandhi and special emphasis was being given to IT education and computer literacy to the youth of the country.
Mr. Singh hoped that quarterly megazine ALMA and their other monthly publication ALMA Times tabloid newspaper would help in disseminating state’s government welfare oriented schemes such as Skill Development Allowance amongst the masses especially the youth.
North India Head, ALMA, Mr. Ravi Kant Sharma apprised the Chief Minister that they were running 1300 ALMA computer education centres in the country and 50 of them were in Himachal Pradesh. He said that since last 13 years ALMA computer education centre were conducting various job oriented courses in rural and urban areas of the country.
North India Coordinator National Congress Mr. Rakesh Negi was also present on the occasion.
Mr. Vrbhadra Singh, the Hon’ble chief Minister of my State do not be a sycophant of Nehru/Gandhi family as the Himacha is a Devabhumi .Your Congress party has ruined our country and maligned the name of Himachal and please stop naming Mr Rajeev Gandhi/Indira for any schemes. Tjhere are millions of Patriots who have given their lives for Free india(including Himachalis if you could kindly remember a few) and a corruption free India .
Salutations .With best of regards
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