United trade unions on two days strike


United trade unions would observe all India two days strike on September 25 and December 12, 2013 after failing to concede its demand charters of Feb 23, 2013 strike, by the UPA government in the center.

CITU General Secretary Tapan Sen, delivering inaugural speech in 30 General Insurance Employees Conventions at Shimla yesterday said that under the banner of UTU, trade unions CITU, BMS, INTAC and AITUC etc. would observe state level all India strike on September 25 followed by Parliament cordon strike on Feb 23.

Demand charters include implementation of labour laws, minimum wage of Rs. 10,000, government pension to employees etc.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was telling ‘white lie’ as he claimed that economic crisis prevailing in the country but it is not beyond control. Since beginning of economic liberalization in nineties current account deficit was 2.5 percent which further got worsen as it is 4.8 percent of GDP after 22 years of liberalization today, trade union leader alleged.

PM claimed that economic growth is employment driven, Mr. Sen argued that it is not true, ” in between 2000 to 05 economy grew with rate of 5 percent per annum had registered employment growth by 2.7 percent but in 2005-09 years economic growth rose up to 7 percent but employment declined to mere 0.1 percent”, he noted.

Government is providing tax exemptions to corporates worth Rs. 5,00,000 crore per annum but it is registering negative growth in employment but on the other hand public sectors shared 53 percent in investment was major employer and registering positive employment growth today.

The corporate houses contributes just 30 percent investment in the national economy, rest is invested in real estates and gold which is thus creating jobless growth.

“To succumbs public sectors before IMF, all public sector units by the concerned ministry of union have been ordered to issue release bond worth Rs. 50,000 crore in the foreign market to boast up foreign invest in Dollar”, CITU leader said.

Terming the present economic policies responsible for increasing rich and poor divide, Mr. Sen mentioned that recently released World Bank report indicated that 60 percent of Indian GDP is with only 7000 people while rest of people share just 40 percent.

“Government blames that fuel prices are going up due to increase in import bills but why it is allowing import of steel and machinery used in the hydro-power from outside, despite our own country has ample steel and heavy machinery. The two were also increasing import bill due to wrong policy of government”, he alleged.

Increasing attacks on the protesting workers is forcing them to adopt militant trade unionism as all factory workers had retrenched in Rajasthan recently when they made an attempt to form union.

About 150 factory workers of Maruti Suzuki striking for their demands were yesterday languishing in jail as they were falsely booked in a murder case of manager which is a hatched conspiracy with help of Hooda government in Haryana, he added.

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