A heartless act occurred in district Shimla this morning as a couple fled away from a hotel leaving four months girl child unattended, flagging address chit in the hand of baby.
Police sources said that a case was registered against an unknown couple who were staying in a private hotel at Chhaila in Chopal subdivision of district Shimla. The couple was found missing from the hotel leaving behind an unattended four months old girl child in the room.
The couple along with a baby turned up in the hotel which is run by Shri. Sanju Sood at Chopal last night. They got themselves registered in the hotel as Shri. Charan Singh, S/O Shri. Hira Singh, resident of village Batward, post office Nerwa of Teshil Chopal. The chit flagging in hand of baby also mentions the same address.
The couple was missing from the room when sweepers went in to clean it. They found a four months girl unattended on the bed of the room having a chit in her hand. The hotel manager was shocked and lodged a complaint with the police later today.
The police spanned in the area after the case was registered with them. The fled couple is reported beyond the reach of the police force so far.
Prima facie case appears of elopement of mother with another man. However, the truth could be revealed only after the police investigation. In the hills hoteliers rarely keep the identity card of costumers.