Tangupa-Janglik, a remote area of Rohru sub-division of Shimla district has been cut-off from rest of the world after cloud burst. It affected the area last midnight washing down many valley bridges. The police sources confirmed that there has been heavy devastation of property by the flash flood triggered by cloud burst in the two rivers and three rivulets.
The cloud burst occurred last night in the high altitude areas of Dhamwadi area of Rohru subdivision of Shimla district at 12:30 am which triggered flash flood in Sangolli and Patrali rivers and also in Dalti, Gokusadi and Khanyara rivulets, washing down five valley bridges and flour mills on the down streams.
A state owned trout farm is also damaged in the flash flood. Meanwhile a steel valley bridge has been damaged at Tangupa Janglik where an HRTC bus has been stranded. Preliminary reports said that heavy damage has been caused by the flash flood as all road communication has been snapped but no loss of life is reported yet.
However, the monsoon was dormant in rest of the state as Dharamshala got highest 65 mm rain in last 24 hours, followed by Guler 57 mm, tourists resort Dalhousie 45 mm, Gaggal airport 35 mm, Baldwara in Mandi district 30 mm, Mandi town and Sangrah in Sirmaur district 28 mm each, Banjar in Kullu district 25 mm and Una 16 mm.
The MET office has given a warning of heavy rainfall at isolated places over the state during next 72 hours. It forecasts rain at many places in plain and middle hills and few places in the high reaches.