State Unit of CPI(M) has asked the government to effectively present its case before the Medical Council of India (MCI) to get the much needed increase in MBBS seats in IGMC Shimla and Dr. R.P. Medical College Tanda, Dharamshala.
In a press communique released at Shimla, Party Secretariat Member Tekinder Singh Panwar has termed the effort of the government as extremely inept as no serious concern was laid down by the medical department to represent its case before the MCI.
The party has stated it to be completely dismal that none of the senior officers of the state were present in the MCI meeting at Delhi. Neither the secretary health, nor the director medical education was present in the meeting to muster support and represent the case of two medical colleges for increase in their respective seats.
This has been one of the major reasons that the state was not allowed an increase the MBBS seats. The party has asked the health minister to personally monitor this issue so that the state gets its legitimate tights as envisaged.
It is worthwhile to mention here that MCI turned down state demand to enhance existing 100 seats each upto 150 in both the medical colleges of the state. Both the medical colleges still have to release its waiting lists after shortlisting the 100 seats during admission for MBBS for the current academic session.