The President of India Pranab Mukherjee would address the state legislative assembly on May 24, 2013 from 10:30 hours to 11:00 hours, this was disclosed in the house by Speaker B.B. Butail in Shimla today.
Soon after question hours, Speaker greeted the house and stated, “I have received communiqué from President of India that he wants to address this august house on May 24, during his state visit. I would request the leader of the house and the opposition to make their presence along with all the members of this august house to attend the President’s address.”
It is worthwhile to mention here that Speaker B.B. Butail invited President when he met with him at the Rashtrapati Bhawan recently, to address the state legislators assembly on its golden jubilee year.
It would be first visit of Mr. Mukherjee after becoming President of India. Former President of India A.P.J. Abdul Kalam had also addressed this house on Dec 23, 2004 earlier.