Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh resigned as member of the Lok Sabha on Thursday. Party sources told that he has sent his resignation to Lok Sabha Speaker Meera Kumar.
Virbhadra Singh, who was elected from Mandi in 2009 general elections, contested the assembly elections from Shimla (rural) in November last year. He took oath as chief minister on Dec 25,2012 . He is an eight times legislator and five times MP. A few days ago he resigned from the post of Himachal Pradesh Congress Committee president also.
Out of 4 Lok Sabha seats in Himachal Pradesh, Congress had won only Lok Sabha Mandi seat while it lost all three others of BJP. After resignation of Mr. Singh, Congress would have no MP in the Lok Sabha. Currently BJP enjoys three seats each in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha from this hill state. Mr. Anurag Thakur son of Mr. Prem Kumar Dhumal is elected MP from Hamirpur Lok Sabha seat, Mr. Rajan Sushant from Kangra and Mr. Verinder Kashayp from Shimla. BJP vice-president Mr. Shanta Kumar, general secretary Mr. Jagat Prakash Nadda and Beena Kashyap are Rajya Sabha members from the state.