New Delhi: Keeping in view security concerns of the state, the Himachal Pradesh government has requested the Centre to introduce photo identity card system for Tibetans refugees and Nepalese living in the state. Speaking at the Chief Ministers’ Conference in New Delhi, state Chief Minister Professor Prem Kumar Dhumal said that at present 23,000 Tibetan refugees and 25,000 Nepalese were living in the state and pleaded for setting up a mechanism for their identity check.
He said the state CID and intelligence departments were keeping strict vigil on their activities and asked the Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of External Affairs to introduce a mechanism for security check. The CM said that the state government was providing comprehensive security to the Tibetan Government-in-Exile, and requested the Central to fully reimburse the expenditure incurred to provide such security.
He stated that the state was spending around Rs 12 crore annually on security-related expenditure, including manning the China border and also the J&K border, while the Centre was providing annual assistance of Rs 4 crore only. He demanded that Centre should bear the total expenditure of Rs 12 crore incurred on deployment of state police force on inter-state borders. The Chief Minister also demanded sanction of a battalion of National Security Guards and 6th Indian Reserve Battalion for the state to strengthen security infrastructure in the state.