Sanjeev Rattan, a resident from Khaniara, a village near Dharamshala will be awarded with Rajat Kamal, national film award on 3rd May by President of India. Sanjeev is being conferred with the national award for his Dogri feature film Dil Ch Basya Koi and Hindi short film Panchakki. According to the National Film Awards website,Dil Ch basya Koi has been awarded for a very simple yet innocent portrayal of the emotional dilemmas of young people growing up in the idyllic landscape of Himachal Pradesh. Sanjeev Rattan brings us a love story untouched by the vicissitudes of Bollywood formulas to touch upon some core human values and relationships.
In Panchakki, Sanjeev has created a misty and magical world through simple and available cinematic tools. The film is an engrossing lyrical fantasy.
Sanjeev completed his master degree in theatre and arts with gold medal from Punjab University, Chandigarh. He then practised theatre for two years in Chandigarh with more than twenty theatre workshops and twenty plays. He also worked as Chief Associate to Mr. Vidhu Vinod Chopra for his feature films – Kareeb and Mission Kashmir. He had also acted in both the above mentioned films and a tele-serial Captain Vyom.
Besides acting he has also written many plays and short stories . Sanjeev says that after spending so many years in Mumbai and working hard, it feels great to be selected for such a prestigious award.
Trailer of Dil Ch Bsya Koi
Congratulations Sanjeev
congratulation,i want to meet with u, 919805453720
Many congratulations for great success and best wishes for future..:)
Great job sanjeeb g
Great job sanjeeb g…..make more Dogri movies
G8 job ….make more Dogri movies
Really great job…..make more Dogri film
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