Workshop on Media and Accessibility at Himachal University


A two-day orientation cum training workshop on ‘Media and Accessibility’ for Mass Communication students and professionals, a first of its kind in the state, will be conducted at Himachal Pradesh University Auditorium  on 14th and 15th  March 2012. The programme, is organized by AYJ National Institute of the Hearing Handicapped (AYJNIHH) Mumbai in collaboration with Department of Journalism & Mass Communication, ICDEOL.

In a press release today, Ajai Srivastava, Associate Professor in Journalism and coordinator of the programme said some senior resource persons from Mumbai and Delhi are coming to impart training to the young participants. It will have dignitaries and participation from the media and health sciences sector working towards broadening the spectrum of Media Accessibility to the disabled. The program will be inaugurated on 14th March at a function in Committee Room of Vice Chancellor’s office by Professor S.P. Bansal, Director, Institute of Integrated Himalayan Studies, and H.P. University and will be presided over by Dr. Om Gauri Dutt Sharma, Director of Doordarshan Kendra Shimla. It is expected that over 60 professionals & students from the field of Media & Journalism will participate in the two-day event.

The objective of the program is to provide an opportunity for the media professionals & students, to enrich knowledge on media & disability communication, identify emerging issues, trends and creative strategies for promoting the concept of inclusive society in the area of disability and human development through journalism & mass communication. The program will also orient the students and professionals of Journalism & communication to be resourceful and useful to Media houses and organizations in dealing with disability issues in the right perspective for disability rehabilitation in the country with the background of Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995 and UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD).

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