Shimla: The third National Family Health Survey has some good news for Himachal Pradesh as the state has emerged better than the national average in most of the parameters. The wealth index shows a Himachali to be wealthier than the nation average.
Himachal Pradesh’s 10% households, 1% of urban households and 12% of rural households, are in the lowest and the second lowest wealth quintiles. One-third (35%) of households in Himachal (77% urban households and 29% of rural households) are in the highest wealth quintile.
But unlike the government’s claim of 100 percent electrification, figures show Himachal to be second to Delhi in terms of electrification. Ninety-eight percent of households in the state (98% rural households and 99% of urban households) have electricity.
Children’s school attendance in Himachal is second highest in the country with 89% children in the 6-17 years age group attending school. The state ranks fourth among in the country in immunization coverage with 74% of children in the age group of 12-23 months in the state fully vaccinated. However, with 55% children between 6 and 59 months being anaemic, the state will have to think seriously about improving child health.
The NFHS survey is based on a sample of households that is representative at the national and state levels. It conducted interviews with around 2,00,000 women age 15-49 and men age 15-54 throughout India.