Shimla (July 26): All Himachal People Conference, a social advocacy body, has asked the state government to seek Bharat Ratna award for Dr Y S Parmar, the first CM of the state, for his efforts, service and contribution towards development of the state.
President of the organization, senior advocate of HP high court I D Bali while addressing media persons on Tuesday said, “The decision of Himachal Pradesh University (HPU) VC to establish a chair in memory of Dr Parmar is welcomed, whose farsightedness and vision had led to carving of own hilly state and granting it full-fledged statehood, but we would like the government to geek the highest award of the country for the great leader.”
does demand for a Bharat Ranta make meaning to the personality of a person after all. Do we forget to appreciate Gandhi, Nehru, S. Stokes, or many of our freedom movements, just because they did not carry a Medellin stating that they are Bharat Ratna holders. lets grow out of these shibboleths of pretension, and fanning those passions that are not a part of our nature through such populist drama
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