Shimla: The state police has started a drive to register domestic helpers, contract laborers and daily wagers to control violence, particularly in view of the forthcoming Lok Sabha by-poll for the Hamirpur constituency. The very idea of relating poll-related violence to hapless underemployed and unemployed people appears absurd, but the police believe the drive would enable them to identify history-sheeters.
Addressing media persons Una Superintendent of Police Gyaneshwar Singh while appealing to the public to co-operate with the police, also warned that action would be initiated against employers or contractors of labour not registered at the local police station under whose jurisdiction they are employed. The SP said the local police would get antecedents of the migrants verified from their original place of residence.
He added that for better policing, beat system was being strengthened and a rural beat would include four contiguous panchayats, where a core group would be designated to interact with one police person and a Home Guard jawan. In the urban areas, he said, each polling ward would comprise a beat.
The SP said, since Una district shared the longest border with Punjab, inter-state meetings of police officers from Una, Hoshiarpur and Ropar districts would be held shortly starting from the level of SHOs to SPs. This, he said would ensure greater coordination during sealing of borders.