Shimla: Putting its seal on the new transfer policy, the Himachal Pradesh government today took a bold decision to fix a minimum tenure of three years at any particular place for a government employee. The new policy also makes mandatory for all employees of Himachal Pradesh government to serve once during their lifetime in tribal and hard areas of the state. Keeping in view the academic calendar of schools and colleges, the new policy also states that majority transfers should only be carried out in April and May.
For the purpose of service in tribal areas, these areas have been restructured by excluding places well catered to by road connectivity and other infrastructure. Service in tribal areas would now also be the mandatory criteria for getting promotion. However, the amendment would not be applicable to those employees who would retire in next five years.
With the announcement of the new policy, the government also lifted the ban on transfers, which was in effect till May 31. As per the directions of the High Court, the government has for the first time made it compulsory for all employees of education and health department who have served in urban areas for more than 10 years, to serve in rural areas for at least 3 years.
Due care of facilities would be taken of couple cases, widows, army wives, handicapped and those on verge of retirement. Senior officials and district level officers would not be appointed in their native district. If the transfer order is silent over wait for reliever, which has been binding, the concerned official can take immediately join at the new posting after taking relieving orders from the authorized official.
can i have information about the distance specified under new transfer policy in the deptt. of education i.e. from rural to urban and vice versa
can i have the detail about couple transfer case if one is regular and the other is on contract
Information regarding minimum distance required to be considered for class1 to complete a tenure
Canihave information about distance specified in new transfer policy forrulertourban
Information about trasfer of employ working under R.k.s. Working in interier
Wat is d transfer policy for tgt working in contract basis
Plz inform me bout d transfer policy for contract tgt teachers
please inform me transfer for contract jbt teachers
Plz inform me bout d transfer policy for contract tgt teachers
Pl.Provide me the exact distance of safe transfer, and different categories made by govt for transfers of employees( distance wise) in education department.
pls provide me information about the couple case in cotract employee
I am working on contract bases in govt hp . my husband is working in govt hp regular employee. may i transfer to that place where my husband is working
in couple cases can contract employee tranfer to other place.
Please send me the notification of hp govt transfer policy of regular employee or contract basis thank you
Please send me latest information regarding transfer policy for tribal & hard area that weather an employee served more than five years in sub cadre in junior post can he transfer again in sub cadre on promotion.
Please send me latest information regarding transfer policy for tribal & hard area that weather an employee served more than five years in sub cadre in junior post can he transfer again in sub cadre on promotion.
is an employee served more than five year in sub cadre,can h transfer again after promotion
kindly let me know if emplee onece transfore with in 18km can he ree transfor with in 18km before two year his tenure
Well known families / Relatives of leaders ,Officers are serving near 40 KM radious of Tehsil or block or , Distt, or State capital headquarters and they do mutual transfers within 3 years if some other employee comes againt their post ,then Tribunal save them immediately.
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