Shimla: Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Prem Kumar Dhumal today said that efforts would be made to explore possibilities of creating required infrastructure to produce by products of fruits within the state to provide growers remunerative prices.
He said efforts would also be made to change old root-stocks of apple by importing high-yielding quality root stock. He said that after multiplication of the root-stock by scientists, the same would be made available to fruit growers for replacement. He emphasized the need to adopt multi-cropping pattern to generate additional income to the growers. He said that the State Government would be extending all possible help to the growers to make their avocation high income generating. He said that in his earlier term also, the State Government had banned the import of apple which had helped in protecting the interests of the fruit growers. He said that procurement under Market Intervention Scheme was one of the steps directed towards ensuring minimum market price to the fruit growers. He said that farmers needed to equip themselves with latest innovations to obtain maximum yield of their cash crops by adopting diversified farming.
The Chief Minister said that the state had varied agro-climatic conditions which were capable to grow almost all types of cash crops, which if explored scientifically could multiply the income of the farmers. He said that cash crop cultivation was gaining popularity with progressive farmers and inspiring others to adopt the same for their income growth. He said that Shimla and Kinnaur districts had made their name in growth of quality apple.
Prof. Dhumal assured the people that speedy development of Jubbal and Kotkhai would be ensured and all pending developmental projects would be executed expeditiously.
I am a bit skeptical about importing foreign root stock. First thing, there is no authentic information whether it will take to the state's climatic conditions or not. What about the productivity and life span of these trees. There is a lot of confusion on these issues.
The same thing was undertaken by the previous govt but I did not see anything concrete happening for the farmers. Instead this root stock landed with the high and mightiest of the then govt.
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