Art of selling steel @ Rs 1 lakh per quintal


By: Sanjay Kaushal

Chamba (May 11): Innovative entrepreneurship often comes in small measures. Well, almost. Here in Chamba a vendor from Uttar Pradesh has been selling ‘magical’ rings made out of horse-hoof steel at Rs 1 lakh per quintal. He purports the iron ring to be a potent cure for blood pressure, sugar and other sundry diseases and also claims that this ring protects the person from the evil eye as well.

Each 10-gm ring is being sold in a price of Rs 10, which comes out to be Rs 1 lakh for one quintal. Because of the formidable faith of people in these kinds of remedies, the vendor is making a handsome profit by selling these ‘magical’ rings. The little cart of the vendor is always teemed with superstitious people who hope for cure by this ‘magical’ ring. They concede it a very cheap and permanent cure for all diseases and abstain from visiting hospitals.

Today the whole world is suffering from deadly diseases like high blood pressure, sugar, asthma, etc. What if there is a single and potent cure for all the diseases? What if all the diseases in the world can be cured by paying just Rs 10? That’s his selling point – dealing in the uncertainty of human mind.

He admitted sale of 200 to 500 steel rings daily. Even as the vendor is selling steel at the rate of copper, vendor Parkash claims that he is not deceiving anybody as he too believes his rings really work. Then who is at fault? Off course, people buying from him. In areas like Chamba one can easily make his bread and butter by deceiving innocent people who believe in superstitious practices. This kind of marketing is not taught in any business school, but nevertheless is an effective selling mantra, and there are lakhs of small-time entrepreneurs in our country who master this art.

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  1. Well, I disagree if he is deceiving any one and that too for the price of Rs.10! . I think he is simply giving people faith/belief in the Supreme Power.  Which humans are disbelieving with this new technology age. As things are getting faster and smaller people are built there faith it the products over them-self and when this product comes to its expiry we go back to our nature.  So if you want to blame some one blame these big market players of rubies and stones(nakshatra stones etc). 
    This guy is simply making living out of it that too for Rs.10/per person. 


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