Shimla: Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Prem Kumar Dhumal today asked the Tibetans holding anti-China protests in various parts of the state to maintain peace and not to indulge in violence. He said the state government would not try to prevent the Tibetans from holding peaceful protests, but at the same time asked them to cooperate and not to indulge in violence.
Dhumal said he had been talking to the Dalai Lama regularly, adding that the Indians treat their guests as Gods. Meanwhile, hundreds of Tibetans continued with their protests in Dharamsala and other parts of the state. Tibetans had made Dharamsala their home during 1960s, and the place has since then been called Little Lhasa.
Hi Guys
I appreciate Mr.CM statements regarding the Tibetan. But I will suggest to Mr.CM from your Leading news Paper. He should visit the Maclodganj can find the truth is Tibetan are living in Maclodganj like a refugee or a citizen. On the other hand our Himachali working their Hotels as a cleaners. funniest thing that Hotel built on the land of Himachali and that poor himachali working as cleaners.Which Independent they are demanding and doing anti china protect in Himahal. I believe if any Indian will know the truth of Tibetan in Maclodganj they will not support any Tibetan. We are surprise why our Govt. reacting like a blind. We could not understand this is the cost of vote bank or injustice for the Himachalis or Indians.
Think you must think it…!!!!
Sunny Kanojia
P.O.Box 44565
Dubai UAE
Cell+971 50 3435233
I am a l'lle confused about the vote bank rant in the above post. Can Tibetans vote in State and National elections?
Since I am from Dharamshala and Mcleodganj has been like a backyard, I think local economy of the region has only benefited from Tibetans. I remember in mid nineties there were small riots between the local gaddi community and tibetans, At that time they were asked to leave Dharamshala but the local business leaders came forward in support of Tibetans as there business is directly linked with Tibetans and whole tourist economy built around them. So locals have gained much more in those terms. Infact day before yest I was in Mcleod talking to some hoteliers who are making good money as more tourist are flocking the area after the new controvery.
Since I am from Dharamshala and Mcleodganj has been like a backyard, I think local economy of the region has only benefited from Tibetans. I remember in mid nineties there were small riots between the local Gaddi community and Tibetans, At that time they were asked to leave Dharamshala but the local business leaders came forward in support of Tibetans as there business is directly linked with Tibetans and whole tourist economy built around them. So locals have gained much more in those terms.
Infact day before yest I was in Mcleod talking to some hoteliers who are making good money as more tourist are flocking the area after the new controvery.
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