Shimla (Apr 25 ): Offering another value added service for the convenience to its clientage, India Post today introduced ‘flat rate parcel service’ (domestic) in different slabs. Information given by SC Jarodia, Chief Postmaster General, Himachal Pradesh circle, today said that customers can purchase these flat rate boxes (domestic) from the nearest post office as per their requirement. Flat Parcel Box service is an all-express service and available in one-India rate delivery anywhere in the country.
The service, meant to assure safe delivery of parcels, would include selling price of box and postage charges for the parcel services. The tariff structure for flat rate box of small size (250x50x300) up to one kilogram is Rs 125, for medium (250x100x300) from one kg to 2.5 kg Rs 200 and large (300x250x300) from 2.5 kg to 5 kg, Rs 400.