Shimla: Chief Minister Prem Kumar Dhumal presided over the ‘Prashasan Janta Ke Dwar’ programme organised at Nadaun in district Hamirpur today. 131 people registered their applications before presentation to the Chief Minister for disposal. Out of the total, majority were disposed off on the spot, while remaining was directed to concerned authorities for speedy disposal. He directed the officers to accord high priority to the grievances of the people and fix a time frame for the disposal of the same. Large number of other complainants also presented their applications urging Chief Minister for remedial steps on priority. He assured the people that all their grievances would be addressed top priority and desired relief will be delivered to them within minimum period of time.
Chief Minister sanctioned Rs 13.35 lakh, which includes Rs 5.30 lakh for construction of GPS building at Naryah; Rs 3.90 lakh for construction of Sarai Bhawan and rain shelter at Awahdevi bazaar; Rs 3.00 lakh for construction of GPS building at Charian Di Dhar; Rs 3.00 lakh for construction of Community Bhawan near Shiv Temple in village Gagehari in Gram Panchayat Panjot; Rs 2 lakh for construction of community hall at Gram Panchayat, Bara; Rs 1.5 lakh for construction of GPS Badoi building; Rs 1.5 lakh for construction of Mahila Mandal Bhawan at Mansai; Rs 1.00 lakh for construction of rain shelter in the crematorium in village Amman in gram panchayat Amman; Rs 1.00 lakh for Mahila Mandal Bhawan, Nugran; Rs 75,000 for construction of rain shelter in village Parnali in gram panchayat Uhal; Rs 50,000 for Yuvak Mandal, Lower Kashmir; Rs 50,000 for Basket Ball field of Yuvak Mandal, Gauna; Rs 50,000 for boundary wall of gram panchayat Sareri and Rs 50,000 for construction of shed at crematorium at Kuthiana.
He also said that it was common man’s government in the state who were the focal point of all the policies and programmes envisioned from time to time for the speedy development and socio-economic upliftment of the down trodden. He said that development was being carried at an accelerated pace uniformly and in a balanced manner.