Shimla: A major milestone in the execution of 412 MW Rampur Hydro Electric Project was achieved today with a final breakthrough blast undertaken in the Head Race Tunnel (HRT), between Kajo (adit) upstream and spill tunnel downstream.
The breakthrough blast was solemnized by Director (Civil) R.N Misra today in the presence of Chief Vigilance Officer B.N.S Negi, Retd. ED (Consultant) R.K Chauhan, heads of projects of RHEP, NJHPS, LHEP and the employees of Rampur project. With this momentous breakthrough blast, the first stage of Head Race Tunnel (HRT) works of the project has been achieved on a continuous stretch of 7698 meters. The tunnel is now through between Rampur intake, at Jhakri and Kunni downstream. Head of the Project K. K Gupta said that as on date the heading works for 12.5 kms of HRT out of the total length of 15.127 kms stood completed and the crucial works of benching and lining were in progress. He further said that excavation work at power house site, a major component of the project were in final stages, while, the works of frame structure, concreting and erection at turbine units were in progress.
Excavation works at the 149.4 m deep surge shaft and all the three pen stocks were completed. The lining works in surge shaft were also in progress and the fabrication of steel liners for pen stock was underway at the workshop. With the accelerated pace of works, the Rampur Hydro Electric Project was heading for completion during the year 2013.