Shimla: The Himachal Pradesh government has transferred the lone spine surgeon at Indira Gandhi Medical College (IGMC), Shimla to Tanda Medical College, Kangra. Notably, the spine surgery facility is available only at IGMC in the state and Tanda college does not have any such facility, leaving a number of patients admitted at IGMC for surgery, hopeless.
Taking note of the transfer the Society for Disability and Rehabilitation Studies (SDRS), HP Chapter, has decided to file a public interest litigation (PIL) in the High Court of Himachal Pradesh “against the criminal attitude of the state government.”
Ajai Srivastava, Chairman, SDRS, Himachal Pradesh, said in Shimla today that after the transfer of Dr. Manoj Thakur, the lone spine surgeon in the state, the hospital authorities are initiating to discharge the 14 paraplegic patients from the hospital. “It is pertinent that these patients belong to very poor families who are unable to afford there treatment outside the state.” he said.
He said that being a hill state, a large number of road and other accidents occur, resulting in the increase of spine injury patients. The spine injury patients from all the districts of the state are referred to IGMC for treatment and surgery. Normally, these patients suffer from paraplegia and quadriplegia which are fatal in nature.
Srivastava said that most of the patients, waiting for there spine surgery were from the far flung, remote and tribal areas of the state. He said that if the government did not change its decision to restore the facility of spine surgery in IGMC, the SDRS, HP will file a PIL in the High Court. He said that his organization would continue to fight for the rights of the disabled without compromise.