CM assures evacuation of marooned tourists



Shimla: Worried over the devastation caused by excessive rainfall in the state, Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister, Prem Kumar Dhumal has directed concerned authorities to initiate speedy relief measures for safe evacuation of the stranded tourists at different places due to land slides and road blockades. He also instructed them to set up a control room at the state level to monitor the situation arising out of heavy rains taking place in different parts of the State. Reacting over the damage  caused by incessant rainfall in the state, he said that it was brought to the notice of the government that a land slide had taken place on September 18, 2010 at Ruturang in Sangla valley of district Kinnaur marooning the valley from rest of the world, additionally heavy snow fall had taken place at Rakschham and Bagsiri from where foreign tourists had been rescued and brought to Sangla safely by local Tehsildar and his team. He said that according to reports received at the state headquarters, there were domestic and foreign biker tourists stranded in Sangla who have been accommodated in local rest houses and hotels while the electricity supply to the valley had also got disrupted and efforts were afoot to restore the same on priority.

He said that HPPWD and HPSEB officers were working overtime to restore the road and electricity to the valley by personally monitoring the situation at the site. He said that Deputy Commissioner, Kinnaur and Commanding Officer of GREF were also keeping a close watch on the situation by personally visiting the spot while the JP Group machinery had also been requisitioned to speed up the restoration work of the road. Prof. Dhumal said that local authorities under the leadership of Tehsildar were personally visiting each and every stranded tourist and enquiring about their well being and making them available medicines on demand. He pointed out that there was no shortage of essential commodities and the same were available in sufficient quantity to meet the requirement of local people and the tourists. He said that medical team was also positioned to cater to any health problem of locals and tourists.  Chief Minister has directed the authorities to accord top priority to restoration of roads in different parts of the State by making them navigable which had been damaged due to incessant rains of prolonged monsoon season.

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