Where Bihar demands Rs 23,071 cr, HP happy to have Rs 19-cr Central relief



    Shimla: While the Bihar Chief Minister has sought an assistance of Rs 23,071 crore from the Cenral government to meet the financial burden caused by the ‘unprecedented drought’ in the state, the Himachal Pradesh government seems to be too modest in asking for a compensation of Rs 19 crore for farmers whose crops have been destroyed due to inclement weather this year.

    Chief Minister Prem Kumar Dhumal said though the loss due to damaged crops, especially apple, was much more higher – upto Rs 200 crore – yet ”we have asked for only Rs 19 crore in accordance with the Union government’s guidelines”. Dhumal said last year they had sent Rs-2000 crore relief proposal but it was rejected on one or other ground.

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    1. Central assistance to Himachal forms less than 4% of its overall budget. While this is a sign of Himachal's lack of dependence on Union finances, it also speaks volumes of the (low) priority that successive Delhi governments have attached to this state. The BIMARU states get rewarded for their poor governance and irresponsible fiscal policies!

    2. I m agreed but want a little more. there is an old say "A fog cannot be dispelled by a fan". Himachali are innovative and creative and have many proposal to development which required money like drinking water shortage, train facilities and agriculture problem . So we'ld made more bugdet to show. May be this possible in next year now……….


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