Online assessment survey underway in Shimla district : SSA


In order to evaluate the quality of education imparted in 2,256 schools of Shimla district, online ‘Assessment Baseline Survey’ is being conducted under Sarv Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA).

Delivering a lecture on progress of SSA in second day function of Bharat Nirman Jansuchana Abhiyan organised by Press information Bureau at Government Senior Secondary School at Sunni, DIET (District Institute of Education Training) Principal, Chander Prakash said that all 73,960 students enrolled in state run schools brought under this program.

Improving the quality of education and imparting teacher training to the teachers are mandate of SSA for which Rs. 28.73 crore has been earmarked, he said adding that Rs. 9 crore has been spent this year.

The SSA is conducting examination after every three months to update online ABS data under each DIET Coordinators in the district while 32 schools were been placed under NGO for taste sampling.

“Under Combined Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) program 60 percent marks of ABS survey to be added to the final result of student would also help to test teaching skills of each teacher”, official disclosed. SSA was granting Rs. 1400 per school to conduct tests of students and to update it on SSA website.

Due to lack of lands and running of schools in private premises 250 schools still have no toilet facility whereas funds are available with the SSA. Resource person  said that 27 schools have been provided with computer aided learning material and this facility is being extended in phased manner in rest of the schools further.

Similarly, 40 smart classrooms have been dedicated  to students which are equipped with electronic blackboard. He said that one month free training is being given to teachers before starting smart classrooms.

It will also impart 60 days training to teachers to train them about Teaching Learning Material (TLM) as thrust is being given to upgrade their skill to prepare TLM from zero to Rs. 500 material and also to ensure its use in the classroom while teaching.

Grant has been provided to every school from range of Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 20,000 per year and ‘Teaching learning Equipment’ is also made available to them. Besides this, it also offers Rs. 15,000 expense for electricity in each school.

He said that efforts are continue to impart education under mainstream to ‘children with special needs’ after identifying 2300 students and providing them free medical reimbursement, surgery expenses and escort allowance of Rs. 300 per month.

Moreover, 120 CWS were also getting education under integrated education program in five NGO’s run home cum schools as CWS with 40 percent disabilities are being enrolled .

Implementing Supreme Court directions the SSA is also releasing fund to construct the ramps and railings in the school campus and trying to collect community donation for such work.

The attendance and regularity of students have improved substantially after running of mid day meals smoothly, beside it has helped to improve the turnout in the school, he added.

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